Nioicon Font
Nioicon is hand-crafted and beautiful icon set which is designed by Softnio Team. We inspired from google icons and carefuly designed this for NioBoard dashboard. It's have over than 1000+ icons that helps much in your project.
You can use with any <em>
, <span>
tag element with .ni
& .ni-{name-class-name}
Example of uses - <em class="
ni ni-dashlite
- nioboard
- graphql
- node-js
- node
- svelte
- typescript
- vue
- centos
- covid
- fedora
- hot-fill
- hot
- linux-server
- linux
- note-add-fill
- repeat-fill
- tranx-fill
- ubuntu
- virus
- b-chrome
- b-edge
- b-firefox
- b-ie
- b-opera
- b-safari
- b-si
- b-uc
- brick-fill
- brick
- col-3s
- col-4s
- col-2s
- comments
- dot-sq
- dot
- footer
- header
- heading
- layout-alt-fill
- layout-alt
- layout-fill1
- layout1
- list-index-fill
- list-index
- list-thumb-alt-fill
- list-thumb-alt
- list-thumb-fill
- list-thumb
- masonry-fill
- masonry
- menu-circled
- menu-squared
- notice
- pen2
- property-blank
- property-add
- property-alt
- property-remove
- property
- puzzle-fill
- puzzle
- quote-left
- quote-right
- row-mix
- row-view1
- sidebar-r
- text2
- tile-thumb-fill
- tile-thumb
- view-col-fill
- view-col-sq
- view-col
- view-col2
- view-col3
- view-cols-fill
- view-cols-sq
- view-cols
- view-grid-fill
- view-grid-sq
- view-grid-wd
- view-grid
- view-grid2-wd
- view-grid3-wd
- view-group-fill
- view-group-wd
- view-list-fill
- view-list-sq
- view-list-wd
- view-list
- view-panel-fill
- view-panel-sq
- view-panel
- view-row-fill
- view-row-sq
- view-row-wd
- view-row
- view-x1
- view-x2
- view-x3
- view-x4
- view-x5
- view-x6
- view-x7
- dashlite
- dashlite-circle
- dashlite-alt
- master-card
- paypal
- visa-alt
- coin-eur
- coin-gbp
- sign-ada-alt
- sign-bch-alt
- sign-bgp-alt
- sign-bnb-alt
- sign-brl-alt
- sign-btc-alt
- sign-cc-alt
- sign-cc-alt2
- sign-chf-alt
- sign-cny-alt
- sign-czk-alt
- sign-dash-alt
- sign-dkk-alt
- sign-eos-alt
- sign-eth-alt
- sign-eur-alt2
- sign-euro-alt
- sign-gbp-alt2
- sign-hkd-alt
- sign-idr-alt
- sign-inr-alt
- sign-jpy-alt
- sign-kr-alt
- sign-ltc-alt
- sign-ltc
- sign-mxn-alt
- sign-mxr-alt
- sign-myr-alt
- sign-paypal-alt
- sign-paypal-full
- sign-php-alt
- sign-pln-alt
- sign-rub-alt
- sign-sek-alt
- sign-sgd-alt
- sign-kobo-alt
- sign-steem-alt
- sign-steller-alt
- sign-stripe-fulll
- sign-thb-alt
- sign-trx-alt
- sign-try-alt
- sign-usd-alt
- sign-usd-alt2
- sign-usdc-alt
- sign-usdt-alt
- sign-visa-alt
- sign-vnd-alt
- sign-waves-alt
- sign-xem-alt
- sign-xrp-new-alt
- sign-xrp-old-alt
- sign-zcash-alt
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left-round
- chevron-right-round
- chevron-up-round
- chevron-down-round
- chevron-left-round-fill
- chevron-right-round-fill
- chevron-up-round-fill
- chevron-down-round-fill
- chevron-left-c
- chevron-right-c
- chevron-up-c
- chevron-down-c
- chevron-left-fill-c
- chevron-right-fill-c
- chevron-up-fill-c
- chevron-down-fill-c
- chevron-left-circle
- chevron-right-circle
- chevron-up-circle
- chevron-down-circle
- chevron-left-circle-fill
- chevron-right-circle-fill
- chevron-up-circle-fill
- chevron-down-circle-fill
- caret-left
- caret-right
- caret-up
- caret-down
- caret-left-fill
- caret-right-fill
- caret-up-fill
- caret-down-fill
- sort
- sort-up
- sort-down
- sort-fill
- sort-up-fill
- sort-down-fill
- sort-v
- swap-v
- swap
- arrow-left-round
- arrow-right-round
- arrow-up-round
- arrow-down-round
- arrow-left-round-fill
- arrow-right-round-fill
- arrow-up-round-fill
- arrow-down-round-fill
- arrow-left-c
- arrow-right-c
- arrow-up-c
- arrow-down-c
- arrow-left-fill-c
- arrow-right-fill-c
- arrow-up-fill-c
- arrow-down-fill-c
- arrow-left-circle
- arrow-right-circle
- arrow-up-circle
- arrow-down-circle
- arrow-left-circle-fill
- arrow-up-circle-fill
- arrow-down-circle-fill
- arrow-right-circle-fill
- chevrons-left
- chevrons-right
- chevrons-up
- chevrons-down
- first
- last
- back-ios
- forward-ios
- upword-ios
- downward-ios
- back-alt
- forward-alt
- upword-alt
- downward-alt
- back-alt-fill
- forward-alt-fill
- upword-alt-fill
- downward-alt-fill
- arrow-long-left
- arrow-long-right
- arrow-long-up
- arrow-long-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- arrow-down
- arrow-up-left
- arrow-up-right
- arrow-down-left
- arrow-down-right
- arrow-to-left
- arrow-to-right
- arrow-to-up
- arrow-to-down
- arrow-from-left
- arrow-from-right
- arrow-from-up
- arrow-from-down
- curve-down-left
- curve-up-right
- curve-up-left
- curve-down-right
- curve-left-up
- curve-right-up
- curve-left-down
- curve-right-down
- back-arrow
- forward-arrow
- back-arrow-fill
- forward-arrow-fill
- navigate
- navigate-up
- navigate-fill
- navigate-up-fill
- send
- send-alt
- unfold-less
- unfold-more
- exchange-v
- exchange
- expand
- shrink
- focus
- maximize
- minimize
- maximize-alt
- minimize-alt
- shuffle
- cross-sm
- cross
- cross-round
- cross-circle
- cross-c
- cross-round-fill
- cross-circle-fill
- cross-fill-c
- na
- check
- check-thick
- done
- check-round
- check-circle
- check-c
- check-round-fill
- check-circle-fill
- check-fill-c
- check-circle-cut
- check-round-cut
- bullet
- circle
- square
- square-c
- bullet-fill
- circle-fill
- square-fill
- square-fill-c
- plus-sm
- minus-sm
- plus
- minus
- plus-round
- minus-round
- plus-circle
- minus-circle
- plus-c
- minus-c
- plus-round-fill
- plus-circle-fill
- minus-round-fill
- minus-circle-fill
- plus-fill-c
- minus-fill-c
- plus-medi
- plus-medi-fill
- equal-sm
- equal
- calc
- search
- zoom-out
- zoom-in
- play
- play-fill
- play-circle
- play-circle-fill
- pause
- pause-fill
- pause-circle
- pause-circle-fill
- stop
- stop-fill
- stop-circle
- stop-circle-fill
- rewind
- forward
- rewind-fill
- forward-fill
- step-back
- step-forward
- vol-off
- vol-no
- vol-half
- vol
- mic
- mic-off
- video
- video-off
- video-fill
- loader
- power
- signout
- signin
- upload
- download
- alert-circle
- alert
- caution
- report
- alert-c
- alert-circle-fill
- alert-fill
- caution-fill
- report-fill
- alert-fill-c
- info-i
- info
- info-fill
- help
- help-fill
- archived
- archive
- unarchive
- archived-fill
- archive-fill
- unarchive-fill
- bag
- bag-fill
- bell
- bell-off
- bell-fill
- bell-off-fill
- wifi
- wifi-off
- live
- signal
- bluetooth
- blank-alt
- blank
- blank-fill
- block-over
- book-read
- book
- book-fill
- bulb-fill
- bulb
- calendar-alt-fill
- calendar-alt
- calendar-booking-fill
- calendar-booking
- calendar-check-fill
- calendar-check
- calendar-fill
- calendar
- calender-date-fill
- calender-date
- call
- call-alt
- call-alt-fill
- call-fill
- camera-fill
- camera
- capsule
- capsule-fill
- cards
- cards-fill
- cart
- cart-fill
- cc
- cc-alt
- cc-alt2
- cc-secure
- cc-new
- cc-off
- cc-fill
- cc-alt-fill
- cc-alt2-fill
- cc-secure-fill
- msg-circle
- chat-circle
- msg
- chat
- question-alt
- question
- msg-circle-fill
- chat-circle-fill
- msg-fill
- chat-fill
- clip-h
- clip-v
- clip
- link-alt
- unlink
- unlink-alt
- link-h
- link-v
- link
- clipboard
- clipboad-check
- clipboard-fill
- clipboad-check-fill
- clock
- clock-fill
- cloud
- upload-cloud
- download-cloud
- cloud-fill
- contact
- contact-fill
- coffee
- coffee-fill
- box-view
- col-view
- sidebar
- layout
- table-view
- layout2
- row-view
- dot-box
- layout-fill
- box-view-fill
- sidebar-fill
- table-view-fill
- dot-box-fill
- template
- browser
- toolbar
- browser-fill
- toolbar-fill
- template-fill
- box
- package
- layer
- layers
- panel
- server
- layer-fill
- layers-fill
- package-fill
- panel-fill
- server-fill
- color-palette
- color-palette-fill
- copy
- copy-fill
- crop-alt
- crop
- target
- crosshair
- crosshair-fill
- db-fill
- db
- hard-drive
- cpu
- disk
- pen
- edit-alt
- pen-fill
- edit-alt-fill
- pen-alt-fill
- edit-fill
- edit
- external-alt
- external
- eye-alt
- eye-alt-fill
- eye
- eye-fill
- eye-off
- eye-off-fill
- file
- file-minus
- file-plus
- file-remove
- file-check
- file-code
- file-docs
- file-img
- file-doc
- file-pdf
- file-xls
- file-zip
- file-download
- file-text
- files
- file-fill
- file-minus-fill
- file-plus-fill
- file-remove-fill
- file-check-fill
- file-text-fill
- files-fill
- folder
- folder-minus
- folder-plus
- folder-remove
- folder-check
- folder-list
- folders
- folder-fill
- folders-fill
- filter-alt
- sort-line
- filter-fill
- filter
- flag
- flag-fill
- notify
- dashboard
- dashboard-fill
- grid-sq
- grid
- grid-c
- grid-alt
- grid-plus
- grid-add-c
- grid-fill
- grid-fill-c
- grid-alt-fill
- grid-plus-fill
- grid-add-fill-c
- grid-box-alt-fill
- grid-box-alt
- grid-box
- grid-box-fill
- grid-line
- menu-alt-left
- menu-alt-r
- menu-alt
- menu-center
- menu-left
- menu-right
- menu
- trend-up
- trend-down
- line-chart-down
- line-chart-up
- line-chart
- bar-chart
- bar-chart-alt
- chart-up
- chart-down
- growth
- growth-fill
- bar-chart-fill
- bar-c
- bar-fill-c
- pie
- pie-alt
- pie-fill
- activity
- activity-alt
- activity-round
- activity-round-fill
- meter
- speed
- happy
- sad
- meh
- happy-fill
- sad-fill
- meh-fill
- home
- home-alt
- home-fill
- img
- img-fill
- inbox
- inbox-in
- inbox-out
- inbox-fill
- inbox-in-fill
- inbox-out-fill
- link-group
- lock
- lock-alt
- lock-fill
- lock-alt-fill
- unlock
- unlock-fill
- mail
- emails
- mail-fill
- emails-fill
- map-pin
- location
- map
- map-pin-fill
- list
- list-ol
- align-center
- align-justify
- align-left
- align-right
- list-check
- list-round
- card-view
- list-fill
- save
- save-fill
- move
- scissor
- text
- text-a
- bold
- italic
- underline
- percent
- at
- hash
- code
- code-download
- terminal
- cmd
- sun
- sun-fill
- moon-fill
- moon
- light
- light-fill
- more-v
- more-h
- more-h-alt
- more-v-alt
- music
- movie
- offer
- offer-fill
- opt-alt
- opt
- opt-dot-alt
- opt-dot
- opt-dot-fill
- opt-alt-fill
- user-alt
- user-alt-fill
- user
- users
- user-add
- user-remove
- user-check
- user-cross
- account-setting
- account-setting-alt
- user-list
- user-fill
- users-fill
- user-add-fill
- user-remove-fill
- user-check-fill
- user-cross-fill
- account-setting-fill
- user-list-fill
- user-circle
- user-circle-fill
- user-c
- user-fill-c
- user-round
- printer
- printer-fill
- laptop
- monitor
- tablet
- mobile
- undo
- redo
- reload-alt
- reload
- regen-alt
- regen
- invest
- history
- update
- repeat
- repeat-v
- tranx
- reply-all
- reply
- reply-fill
- reply-all-fill
- notes
- note-add
- notes-alt
- article
- text-rich
- todo
- report-profit
- reports-alt
- reports
- task
- note-add-c
- task-c
- todo-fill
- note-add-fill-c
- task-fill-c
- scan-fill
- scan
- qr
- money
- coins
- coin
- coin-alt
- coin-alt-fill
- setting-alt-fill
- setting-alt
- setting-fill
- setting
- share-alt
- share-fill
- share
- network
- rss
- shield
- shield-star
- shield-check
- shield-alert
- shield-off
- security
- policy
- shield-alert-fill
- shield-check-fill
- shield-fill
- shield-half
- shield-star-fill
- policy-fill
- spark
- spark-off
- spark-fill
- spark-off-fill
- wallet
- wallet-alt
- wallet-in
- wallet-out
- wallet-saving
- wallet-fill
- star
- star-half
- star-half-fill
- star-fill
- star-round
- heart
- heart-fill
- swap-alt-fill
- swap-alt
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-up
- tag
- tag-alt
- tags
- tag-fill
- tag-alt-fill
- tags-fill
- bookmark
- bookmark-fill
- label
- label-fill
- priority
- priority-fill
- label-alt
- label-alt-fill
- ticket-alt
- ticket
- ticket-minus
- ticket-plus
- ticket-alt-fill
- ticket-fill
- ticket-minus-fill
- ticket-plus-fill
- toggle-off
- toggle-on
- trash-alt
- trash-empty
- trash
- trash-fill
- trash-empty-fill
- delete-fill
- delete
- alarm-alt
- alarm
- bugs
- building
- building-fill
- headphone
- headphone-fill
- aperture
- help-alt
- award
- briefcase
- gift
- globe
- umbrela
- truck
- sign-usd
- sign-dollar
- sign-mxn
- sign-sgd
- sign-euro
- sign-eur
- sign-gbp
- sign-pound
- sign-thb
- sign-inr
- sign-jpy
- sign-yen
- sign-cny
- sign-kobo
- sign-chf
- sign-vnd
- sign-php
- sign-brl
- sign-idr
- sign-czk
- sign-hkd
- sign-kr
- sign-dkk
- sign-nok
- sign-sek
- sign-rub
- sign-myr
- sign-pln
- sign-try
- sign-waves
- sign-trx
- sign-xem
- sign-mxr
- sign-usdc
- sign-steller
- sign-steem
- sign-usdt
- tether
- sign-btc
- bitcoin
- sign-bch
- bitcoin-cash
- sign-bnb
- sign-ada
- sign-zcash
- sign-eth
- sign-dash
- sign-xrp-old
- sign-eos
- sign-xrp
- american-express
- cc-jcb
- cc-mc
- cc-discover
- cc-visa
- cc-paypal
- cc-stripe
- amazon-pay
- amazon-pay-fill
- google-pay
- google-pay-fill
- apple-pay
- apple-pay-fill
- angular
- react
- laravel
- html5
- css3-fill
- css3
- js
- php
- python
- bootstrap
- ebay
- google-wallet
- google-drive
- google-play-store
- android
- blogger-fill
- blogger
- hangout
- apple-store
- apple-store-ios
- stripe
- apple
- microsoft
- windows
- amazon
- paypal-alt
- airbnb
- adobe
- mailchimp
- dropbox
- digital-ocean
- slack
- slack-hash
- stack-overflow
- soundcloud
- blackberry
- spotify
- kickstarter
- houzz
- vine
- yelp
- yoast
- envato
- wordpress
- wp
- wordpress-fill
- elementor
- joomla
- megento
- git
- github
- github-round
- github-circle
- dribbble
- dribbble-round
- behance
- behance-fill
- flickr
- flickr-round
- medium
- medium-round
- reddit
- reddit-round
- reddit-circle
- google
- facebook-f
- facebook-fill
- facebook-circle
- instagram
- instagram-round
- linkedin
- linkedin-round
- twitter
- twitter-round
- pinterest
- pinterest-round
- pinterest-circle
- tumblr
- tumblr-round
- skype
- viber
- whatsapp
- whatsapp-round
- snapchat
- snapchat-fill
- telegram
- telegram-circle
- youtube
- youtube-fill
- youtube-round
- vimeo
- vimeo-fill